
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

Service to religion: I saw that I have brought a dead person. I placed the dead man on something made of wood which was laid slightly above the ground. I sat alongside the dead man. The deceased was wrapped in a large cloth sheet which was not white but coloured. Then I saw that he is walking with curved back like our old father. My younger brother says that he will not get reformed. Then I woke up. (D.T, Peshawar)

Denotement:   According to your dream, it is an indication that you may be given the noble task to serve religion which might become a source for your salvation.


Ground of the Parliament House: I saw that there is a huge place like a garden as if it is country’s Parliament House. Now I am at this place and wandering in the garden. There is a large white building at the front. A dog is also there in the ground. Behind me a black and white bird is also roaming in the ground behind me. Then a male voice tells me that I will be blessed to see the Kaaba from inside. I get astonished to listen this and wonder that could this ever happen? Please tell me the denotement of this dream. (Maryam, Karachi)

Denotement:   According to your dream, it is pointing that Insha Allah your desire will be fulfilled and very soon your will get some good news. Wallah Aalam.


Extreme impediments: I saw that I am in school. A woman is there who is aunty of my old friend from school and college. She recognizes me. I get amazed as to how she has recognized me when we had never met? Then the scene changes and I see that a woman is dancing and a person comes outside to see her. When that man sends his spirit inside and his spirit combines with the spirit of the woman, he recognizes that she is the daughter of his daughter. That woman comes out in a white Saree to receive the person. After meeting of the spirits, the woman immediately grows younger. Her hair gets black. Then an old woman and that man starts climbing stairs to meet the mother of the daughter which is actually a snake and is in the room. (Ruby, Chakwal)

Denotement:   According to your dream, it is pointing that you are facing extreme impediments in accomplishing some of your tasks. Due to this family problems are increasing. However, donate appropriate Sadqa as per your status and after every prayer recite (Text in Arabic) 21 times and then pray to Almighty. Wallah Aalam.


Avoid Shirk (Polytheism) and Bidat (Heresy): I saw that I am worried for my marriage proposal and for this reason I am engaged in worship. Some Pandits are busy worshipping there. Then from the backside of my school, which is desolate, I go the first floor of a small building. A pandit is also there in that room. He is playing music from some long instrument like a trumpet. Flames of fire start emerging from the holes of the musical instrument but no music or sound comes out of it. I just become bright. Then I get up and from the window see a big Hindu woman. Later when I am coming back from the same desolated place, I see two more women in the same style. It was the exact time of Maghrib.  (Q.C)

Denotement:   According to your dream, you have been warned to save yourself from Shirk and Bidaat since the teachings of Saints and Aulia e Karam رحمت اللہ علیہ was pure education for oneness of Almighty. Benefits of these pious gentlemen can only be attained by practicing on their teachings. Wallah Aalam.


Preparation for examinations: I frequently dream that I am sitting in an examination room, but I am not remembering anything. At times I see that I have to go somewhere but could not find my shoes or I am unable to get ready. I am very worried and surrounded by difficulties. Just yesterday I had a dream that it appears that I have to give 3-4 papers but I am not giving the exam. I am afraid that a lot of time has passed. I will have lot of difficulty to collect the notes, remembering them and giving the exams. Then I think that after studying for so many years, till the time I will not give these final year papers, I will not get the degree. Whereas in reality it has been many years since I have completed my education and attained the degree. Anyways, I go to the college. There I tell a girl that promise me that you will give me all of your notes after the exams as I have to prepare as well. After talking to that girl I sit in the car. After reaching home I remember that three months vacation will commence from tomorrow and I do not have the number of that girl. Then I thinks that it does not matter, now as I have made up my mind I have to be courageous. The notes which are already with me, I will prepare them in these three months and memorize them. After vacations, I will also take notes from her, see them with concentration and then give the exams. Insha Allah I will pass. (Afshan, Lahore)

Denotement:   According to your dream, it is indicating that to get rid of the current worrisome circumstances you are facing, you have to act with courage. Insha Allah the worries will be over soon. You should offer the five prayers and after each prayer recite Ayat e Karimah 21 times and pray to Almighty. Donate Sadqa often. Wallah Aalam.

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